Application Notes
■ Quartz Crystal
quartz crystal resonates when an
electrical potential is applied to its surfaces, causing mechanical deformation(vibration). This phenomenon is called the piezoelectric effect. When metal electrodes are placed on both sides of a crystal plate, the piezoelectric response between the electrodes can be
expressed as the equivalent electrical parameters shown in Figure 1.
■ Mode of Oscillation
The Oscillation Mode
for AT cut quartz crystals is at the fundamental mode or and odd frequency
harmonic of the fundamental frequency. Standard 3rd overtone mode,
followed by 5th, 7th ,9th, etc.
■ Frequency Tolerance
Frequency Tolerance is the minimum and the maximum
frequency deviation allowed from the Target Frequency @25℃. This deviation is usually specified in ±ppm (
parts per million ).
■ Frequency Stability
Frequency Stability is
the amount of frequency deviation that will occur over the Operating Temperature Range with respect to the frequency @25℃.This deviation is often associated with other
specified operating conditions such as Load Capacitance and Drive Level..
Temperature is a major influence on crystal frequency.
■ Equivalent Series
Resistance(ESR or R1)
ESR is the resistance (in Ohms) that the crystal exhibits
resonance. Equation (1)
■ Shunt Capacitance
Shunt capacitance (C0)
is the capacitance between the crystal terminals. It varies with package,
usually it is smaller in SMD (4pF typical) and is 6pF in leaded crystals.
■ Load Capacitance
Crystals can be calibrated by
the manufacturer at either fr, where they appear resistive (or fs which is very
close to fr),or for resonance with a capacitive load, where of course
they must appear inductive. The latter condition is called load –resonant and
is represented in general terms by the symbol fL or ,more specifically, the
symbol f 30 would , for example , represent the frequency at which the crystal
is at resonance with a 30 pF capacitor.
■ Motional
Capacitance (C1)
Motional Capacitance (C1) is a parameter
largely controlled by the design of the electrode size and shape. When C1 is
specified, it should be specified with a maximum and a minimum value in pf
of fF. C1 has physical design limitations due to constraints in
quartz blank size, mode of operation and nominal frequency. L1 is
usually not specified because it is virtually specified by C1 due to
the absolute relationship shown in Equation 2.
Equation ( 2 )
■ Storage Temperature Range
The Storage Temperature Range is the absolute limits of temperature to which
the device will be exposed in a non-oscillation state.
■ Pullability and
Change of Load Capacitance
change as a function of load capacitance CL in a parallel resonant crystal. Pullability is a function of shunt capacitance C0, motional capacitance C1, and size of crystal. When a
crystal is operating at parallel resonance (Fs<Fr<Fa),it looks inductive in the circuit. As the reactance changes, the frequency changes correspondingly, thus change the pullability of the crystal.See Equation (3) .The same crystal with frequency at 3rd-overtone mode will have much less pulling because its ’motional capacitance C1` is approximately 1/9 of C1 at fundamental.
Equation (3)
■ Spurious
resonances usually above the operating mode, specified in dB max. or number of
times of ESR. Frequency range must be specified. In oscillator applications, it
is necessary to control unwanted modes as lower as possible to prevent circuit
oscillating in the “spurious mode ”.See Figure 3. The design of large
electrodes on crystal to produce large pulling is a common
cause of prompting spurious. A resistance ration of 2:1 or minimum of 3db
is usually adequate.
■ Aging
Aging is the change in
operating frequency over a certain
period of time .It is usually expressed as a maximum value in ppmper year. Typical crystal aging:±5ppm per year max..
■ DLD(Drive Level
To change a crystal of drive level that will change the frequency or
resistance, the effect is called DLD Usually DLD is a ration between the
largest resistance measured over a user defined power range ,and the
resistance at the nominal power . DLD is a good measure of internal
cleanliness of crystals.
■ Oscillator Notes
A crystal oscillator is
a timing device that consists of a crystal and an
oscillator circuit, providing an output waveform at a specific
frequency. When a crystal is placed into an amplifier circuit(as
shown in Figure 4 ),a small amount of energy is feedback to the
crystal, which causes it to
vibrate. These vibrations act to stabilize the frequency of the oscillator circuit.
■ Supply Current(ICC)
The current flowing
into Vcc terminal with respect to ground. Typical
supply current is measured without load.
■ Supply Voltage(VDC max)
maximum voltage which can safely be applied to the VDC terminal with
respect to ground .
■ Symmetry ( Duty
Cycle )
Symmetry is a measurement of the time that the output waveform is in a logic
high state, expressed as a percentage (%) of the complete cycle. A typical
symmetry tolerance is 40/60%. Tight symmetry is considered to be 45/55%.
■ Rise / Fall Time
Rise Time is a measure
of the
transition time from a “Logic 0” to a “Logic 1” level.Fall Time is a measure of the transition time from a “Logic 1” to a “Logic 0” level. Both Rise and Fall Time are typically specified as a maximum transition time in ns. Typical rise and fall time for CMOS 4000 series is 30ns, HCMOS is 6ns, and for HCMOS/TTL compatible) is 3 ns max..( See Figure 5 )
■ Output load
Output Load is the
maximum load an
oscillator can drive. It is specified in terms of number
of gates or type of load circuit. An HCMOS load is usually specified as a capacitive load in pF. TTL loads are specified as a number of TTL gates.
■ Start-up time
Start-up time is the
delay time between the oscillation starts from noise until
it reaches its full output amplitude when power is applied.
The start-up time varies from microseconds to milliseconds
depending on frequency, ASIC speed and logic. See figure 6.
■ VCXO ( Voltage
Controlled Crystal Oscillator )
A VCXO is an oscillator that allows the user to vary the Output Frequency by varying a Control Voltage applied to pin 1.
■ TCXO ( Temperature
Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
A TCXO is a crystal oscillator with a temperature
compensated network. A typical Overall Frequency Tolerance that can be achieved
by a TCXO is ±0.5ppm to ±5.0ppm . A TCXO network often includes a trimmer
capacitor that can be used either to compensate for frequency shifts due to
aging and/or tune the oscillator to an exact frequency.
■ Tri-State
An oscillator with the
tri-state feature allows the output to be placed into a high impedance state
with no output oscillation present. This feature is activated by the
application of a logic control voltage to pin 1 of the oscillator.
■ Resonator Notes
Ceramic resonators
stand between quartz crystal oscillators and LC/RC oscillators in
regard to accuracy. The oscillation of ceramic resonators is dependent upon
mechanical resonance associated with their piezoelectric crystal structure.
These materials(usually barium titanate or lead-zirconium titanate )have
large dipole movement which causes the distortion or growth of the crystal by
an applied electric field.
■ Frequency Stability
The maximum
allowable frequency deviation compared to the measured frequency at 25℃ over the temperature window, i.e., -20℃ to +80℃. The typical stability is ±0.3%(±3000ppm).
■ Frequency Tolerance
allowable deviation from the nominal frequency at room temperature.
■ Equivalent Circuit
Its equivalent circuit
is similar to the quartz crystal equivalent circuit, i.e., consists of a series
L1, C1,R1 circuit shunting with a parallel C0 capacitance.
■ Filters Notes
A filter is any
component or network which tailors the response of an amplifier to give it the
desired characteristics with respect to frequency. In theory any resonant
component is a filter-an oscillator is only a particular case of an amplifier
which has its feedback controlled by the resonator .Crystal filters are widely
used in mobile communications systems, mobile and cordless telephones, pagers
and radios.
■ Monolithic Filters
Strictly speaking
describing a filter as monolithic implies that all the elements are formed on a
single quartz blank.
■ Pass Band Width
The frequency band
width in which the attenuation is same or less than a specified value .
Pass band width is specified by minimum value.
■ Stop Band Width
The frequency band
width in which the attenuation is equal to B is specified by minimum
■ Ripple
Within a pass band the
difference between maximum and minimum attenuation.
■ Terminal Impedance
A signal impedance and
a load impedance of a filter.
■ Spurious Response:
Minimum attenuation
caused by extra-ordinary response in the stopband .Spurious response usually
appears at a frequency higher than the center frequency .